Professional Directions: MFA in Acting info session with Claire Roberson '15, Dec. 5

When: Thursday, December 5, 4:30 p.m.

Where: Room 124, Schwartz Center for the Performing Arts

Claire Roberson ‘15 is a Los Angeles-based actor and educator who graduated from UC San Diego’s MFA acting program. Claire received her BA in Literature and Performing and Media Arts (PMA) from Cornell University in 2015, and most recently worked as an assistant director and movement choreographer for the production of The Wolves, directed by Beth F. Milles.

In her time at Cornell, Claire acted in main stage productions including Blood Wedding and Titus Andronicus, along with a regional production of Julius Caesar with the Ithaca Shakespeare Company. Productions at UCSD include Desdemona in Othello, Lucentio in The Taming of the Shrew, and Mary in Native Son, along with understudying the role of Jolene in At the Old Place at the La Jolla Playhouse.

This talk is part of Cornell ' Professional Directions Series and is free and open to the public.

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